sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

My future Job

Today I will talk about my future job, because of that I'm going to tell you something related to a major that I’ve taken this semester. It’s called “Registro de experiencias y práctica inicial”. It's about what I will have to do when I will be an educator. If you don't know, I'm studying to be a teacher for children between 0 and 8 years old. I like this major because I'm carry about people's education, and I want to promote significant learning opportunities to children in such a way that they learn and have a cognitive, affective and social develop. In this major, I have to do my initial practice, so I have to prepare learning experiences. This semester, I am doing the   initial practise in Kindergarden at Colegio Presidente Frei Montalva, in Ñuñoa. 

I hope to get a job related with education between 4 and 8 years old and I would like to work in a rural school because I don't like the city and urban places. So, I prefer to work and live in a place surrounded by nature and relaxed people, breathing pure air. Also, I want to work in a small  and homely school. I hope I will never work in a traditional school, where the learning is considered by a transmission of knowledge. 

I’d consider some aspects to choose a job, for example: salary, good atmosphere, transport, near my home, flexibility and independence related to do my work, etc.

I think  my strengths are: I'm very responsible, reflexive, creative, respectful, open to diversity. Also, I know about working with children specially in art, literacy, and  I’m monitor in organic recycling.  But, I’m not good at playing music and singing for the children.

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