viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012


I don’t consider that my habits would allow me to say “I’m a Eco-Hero” or “I’m a Tree-Hugger-Hater”. I think I'm a Green-in-Between.

I have never joined or supported eco-organizations. I suppose that the reason of it is lack of interest about joining in that kind of organizations. However, this doesn't mean that I don’t care about the environment. Opposite, I do things that contribute to reduce my carbon footprint and I use to recycle in my house.

For example, I stopped to drive my parent’s car and I cycle my bike to travel everywhere. So I cycle to University, to my friend’s houses, to the supermarket, etc. Also, I take the bus only when I want to travel along large distances. 

In my house, I deposit organic material in a huge box to make organic compost, which is used to fertilize the earth or, simply, I use organic compost in the garden so I don’t have to buy earth. Apart from that, I recycle plastic bottles, putting them underground in such a way that the top of the bottles stay on the earth so that I can water plants or trees. You can see it in the picture below.

Furthermore, I recycle plastic and glass bottles, paper and carton, putting them in recycle points.

I have learned about environmentally friendly practices in primary school. We recycled paper and bottles and we had a vegetable garden. I have read some documents about recycling on Internet  Here you can find a lot of information about how you can recycle.  

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