jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Books and Literature

When I was a child I used to read picture books that my parents brought me. They give me picture books like “Pinocchio”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “The little mermaid”, “The ugly duckling”. Also they brought me books like “Papelucho el Marciano”, Papelucho historiador”, “Susanita y yo” and “¡Hurra! Susanita ya tiene dientes”. When I didn’t know to read, my mother read me every night and I enjoyed it too much.

Now, I don’t read books too much because I began to hate reading at secondary school because the literature teacher forced me to read a lot and the books that I had to read were too boring and they didn’t interested me. But, I have to read a lot in high education, so I read every day.

My favorite writer is Paulo Coelho and my favorite book is “A orillas del río piedra me senté  y lloré” written by the author mentioned. I use to read at weekend, and I like to do this in the beach or in the country.

The last book I read was “El gusano y las hormigas”, written by a friend of mine. It’s a picture book for kids. I read it because my friend uses to show me her picture books and I read it to my nephew Diego. He really enjoyed it and so was I. The story is about the travel that a worm and a family of ants make, trying to look for the top of an old tree for see the shining stars at night. Of course, I recommended it for children and it takes between 10 and 15 minutes to read.

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