viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Independence Day Holidays

I usually celebrate Independence Day Holidays in my grandmother’s house with my two parents, my brother, my cousins, my aunts and uncles. We meet at lunch and make a barbecue, “empanadas” and “mote con huesillo”. After we have lunch, we stay at the table for a while talking about different things and then we play some music and dance “cueca”. In the evening we continue eating and drinking “chicha”.

I really like these holidays because I have a good time with my family. My grandmother prepares delicious “empanadas” and I enjoy eating some. I also like to listen and dance to the “cueca”. I can’t think of anything that I dislike about these Holidays. In my opinion, these are one of the best holidays in the year.
 These are "empanadas"

This year was different, I spent these holidays with my brother and my best friend in Santiago, and my parents travelled to the beach. I went with my brother and his friends to a “fonda”, a kind of refreshment stand, in Parque Hurtado. I ate kebabs and french fries and drank “terremoto”, which produced me a lot of stomach-ache and headache. Regardless of that we had a great time together, talking and laughing.

The next evening, I and my best friend went to a “fonda” in Parque Inés de Suárez. We ate “empanadas” and drank only juice. We talked a lot because we hadn’t been together for about three months and we had some important things about our lives to talk about. So, I really enjoyed these Independence Day Holidays.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

My best Holidays

An island, the sea, the sun and coconut drink were all I wanted in those wonderful holidays.

It was in the summer of 2010 when I visited Guarujá. It is an island located in the nearest coast
of Sao Paulo in Brazil, and if you want to go there you need to drive a car or take a bus to cross
the bridge that connects the island with the continent. I travelled there with my best friend,
and there we met some of my cousins who lived in Sao Paulo.

We spent two weeks there and the first thing we did each time we woke up was go to the
beach, where we went for a swim, we ate “tapioca”, “pastel” (a typical fast food Brazilian dish)
and corn. Also, we drank coconut drink, “caipirinha” and beer. At night, we went to dance to
different discotheques.

I spent some unbelievable holidays in Guarujá and I will never forget these holidays because
they were a lot of fun and also because I was on that island with people that I love so much
like my best friend and my cousins.

Here is a photograph of “tapioca” and coconut drink.

And here is a photograph of “pastel”.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

I would like to visit...

Today I’m going to talk about a country I have always wanted to visit.

I would like to visit Australia because, in my point of view, it has one of the most beautiful natural surroundings in the world and, also, because a friend of mine that visited Australia told me there is a lot of wonderful places to visit like Kakadu National Park, considered heritage and it’s a huge space divided in seven different regions.

I know that Australia is the biggest island in the world and its located in the smallest continent: Oceania. One of the many island is Kangaroo, which is the third bigger island of the country, and more than a third part of it is protected or is conserved as national parks. In its wild coast you can find plenty of flora and fauna. Apart from that there is a lot of areas with cave paintings and it has five thousands of aborigine sites like refuges, rock tools, ceremonial objects, etc.

I would like to visit this island to go for a walk along the beaches, swim with dolphins, surf and to know kangaroos, pink pelicans, koalas and duck-billed platypus.

I don’t know If I would like to study, work or live in Australia. If I visit this country I think I could give an opinion about that.